- Beds
- Dressers
- Desks
- Washer and dryer
- Refrigerator
- Oven
- Dishwasher
$375/month for a 12-month contract
$700 Security Deposit - $250 non-refundable and $450 refundable
$700 Security Deposit - $250 non-refundable and $450 refundable
710 N 300 W
Salt Lake City, UT 84103
Salt Lake City, UT 84103
Interested in applying? Please contact the landlord directly to ensure availability.
Lance Essig
Rockwell Property Management
(801) 677-1890
Lance Essig
Rockwell Property Management
(801) 677-1890

Images and text (including marketing language) used to describe individual housing listings has been provided by property owners themselves. This information should not be construed as being endorsed, confirmed, or guaranteed by Ensign College.
For more information on the College's relationship to property owners, please refer to the main Housing page.