Brother Charles N. Andersen works for the Church as the managing director for headquarters facilities department.
Prior to this role, he spent 14 years at BYU-Idaho, the last seven years as university resources vice president.
Brother Andersen has worked at Minnesota State University, Mankato as acting vice president for finance and administration and assistant vice president of facilities management, and at Yavapai College in Prescott, Arizona as facilities management director. He started his career with Amoco Corporation in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Brother Andersen holds a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University.
Brother Andersen has served the Church in many capacities including as a full-time missionary in the Honduras Tegucigalpa Mission, nursery teacher, Sunday school teacher, stake missionary, high councilor, scoutmaster, stake young men’s president, bishopric counselor, bishop and stake president. He currently serves as the 11-year old assistant scoutmaster and gospel doctrine teacher.
Brother Andersen and his wife, Kerri, are the parents of six children, five boys, and one girl. They have four grandchildren.