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Jon Linford


Jon Linford currently serves as the Online Vice President at Brigham Young University–Idaho.  Until recently he also served as Curriculum Vice President for BYU-Pathway Worldwide. Vice President Linford joined the BYU–Idaho Music Department in the fall of 2004 teaching voice and opera.  In 2010, he was invited to serve as the Dean of Foundations and Interdisciplinary Studies. He served in this role through July 2015.

Before coming to BYU–Idaho, Vice President Linford was Professor of Voice and Opera at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  He attended Ricks College and received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Brigham Young University. Vice President Linford later earned a doctoral degree from Arizona State University.

Vice President Linford served in the Scotland Glasgow Mission from 1978-80.  He and his wife Evelyn are the parents of three children and have three grandchildren.


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