Jonathan Johnson is the father of four beautiful children, Brigham, Chanel, Max and Holland, and is married to the wonderful Heather Armstrong. Jonathan served a full-time mission in the North Carolina Raleigh Mission.
Jonathan is the president of the More Good Foundation, an organization that supports The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in digital messaging and reputation management. He is also involved in corporate consulting. Jonathan has been highlighted as one of 50 fabulous people in Utah Valley and as one of 40 entrepreneurs to watch under 40 years old.
Jonathan has spoken at devotionals and forums and has guest lectured at BYU, Ensign College, BYU-Hawaii, BYU-Idaho, various Institutes of Religion, and has spoken in firesides, youth conferences and secular conferences in more than 10 countries. In June of 2017, Brother Johnson was invited to present the keynote address at the National Congress of Journalism in The Dominican Republic.
Jonathan’s LDS Church service includes being a primary teacher, young men’s president, gospel doctrine instructor, early morning seminary teacher, counselor in bishoprics, high councilor, second counselor in a stake presidency, and he currently serves as a bishop.