Todd Russell is an Employer Relations Coordinator in Career and Internship Services at Ensign College, holding a BS in Business Information Systems and an MBA. He has spent the past 30+ years in the Tech Industry working in Training and Documentation, HR, Recruiting, and Program Management roles. For the past 13 years, he worked for IM Flash, an Intel/Micron Joint Venture where he served as the Academic Relations and Intern Program Manager. He has served on many Industry Advisory Boards in Higher Education across the state and was instrumental in developing a consortium of High-Tech Manufacturers who promote STEM Education in Middle Schools and High Schools. Todd has served as a missionary in the Uruguay Montevideo Mission where he not only developed a love for the people and culture, but also for unique taste of mate. He has served in many positions in the Church, including Primary Chorister, Scout Master, Elders Quorum Presidency, Stake YM President, Bishop and currently serves as a Musical Missionary in the Tabernacle Choir on Temple Square. Todd has been married to his sweet wife Kari for 31 years and is the proud father of five children; three of which are married, one is currently serving a mission in the Washington DC South Spanish Speaking Mission and one recently graduated from high school. He is also a grandfather to four energetic grandchildren.