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Ask questions and learn

Depressed, Sister Bigelow attempted suicide three times. When her third attempt failed, she became frustrated. To her surprise, the desire to pray to God came to her. She had not been active in her faith for a very long time. As she knelt in prayer, Sister Bigelow asked God what her purpose was in life.

Sister Bigelow continued to pray for help each day, and a short time later, missionaries knocked on her door. They explained the plan of salvation and her purpose in life, and their message resonated with her. She immediately wanted to learn more. After more discussions and prayer, she decided to get baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

One thing about Heavenly Father is that He loves questions, said Sister Bigelow. And when you ask questions, He says, Now you are ready to learn. As she studied more, she started to feel a deeper understanding and love of the scriptures. She also enjoyed General Conference and attending Church activities.

Joining the Church helped Sister Bigelow discover her purpose in life. She praised Heavenly Father for His plan. She emphasized the importance of remembering who we are and where we are going. Because of Christ's Atonement, you and I have a chance to get to know ourselves, Sister Bigelow testified.

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