This simple statement seems to be quite common among LDSBC students before they enroll here, and similarly, Austin felt driven to change his mind and enroll for classes at the high-rise downtown campus.
It was somewhat spur of the moment, said Austin, a native of Salt Lake City, Utah. I had already registered at another university and was preparing for their orientation. But during my visit there, a series of disappointments led me to feel like I didn't belong.
My decision to be at LDSBC has developed into quite a blessing, said Austin. During new student orientation, I volunteered to participate with the media committee. That led to an invitation to be a mentor. At a subsequent retreat, I shared my testimony. That evening I was approached by one of the college directors. He did an impromptu interview and offered me a student job as a programmer.
A key skill Austin has mastered is time management. My very first semester, I took 17 credit hours in addition to working 28 hours a week, he said. I managed to get through it all and was surprised at how well I did. That first semester allowed me to prove myself, and since then I have kept pushing and doing more.
Austins collegiate experience has also been enriched outside of class and his campus job. Simply getting involved has made a huge difference, he said. I have learned so much about myself and my own limits. I have made many friends through service, helping with as many events as I can. I would not trade these friendships for anything.
In addition to serving as a mentor and leader in new student orientation, Austin participates in DECA. He helps out with student giving campaigns and is part of the 90-voice student choir. He even started the French Toast Club. I did that to create another forum for mentoring and a gateway for student involvement said Austin. It has been a lot of fun.
Austin is doing his best to fulfill his purpose in life, which is to serve, to give, and to bless. He hopes to do that in many ways, the greatest of which is to be a father. Without any roles or titles, I also hope to be a teacher and a leader.
With an extensive commitment to a full college education, Austin has learned that he can't satisfy every need. I can't do everything everyone wants me to, said Austin. But I hope my effort sets an example for others. While I may not inspire perfection, I can inspire purpose.