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Business class provides recommendations to 4Life

Last semester, the class worked with 4Life, a Sandy-based supplement company with products that support immune system health, body transformation and general wellness. The class was divided into five teams and assigned different topics like persona development, social media and business training, understanding millennials in international markets and marketing a product launch. The teams also performed a SWOT analysis to identify problems and develop potential solutions.

The project took several weeks and included team members visiting the company, analyzing surveys, conducting interviews and doing a deep dive on their assigned topic. The experience was a great opportunity for LDSBC students to interact with a real company and learn and apply the knowledge they gained.

A student who worked on creating the persona said, “I thought it was a simple task, but 4Life really appreciated our dedication and hard work. They said it was interesting and helpful to receive the persona information from a fresh perspective.”

Another student who worked on the understanding millennials and international marketing in Brazil projects said, “The thing I liked most about the project was being able to identify things that would really help 4Life be successful.”

On presentation day, personnel from 4Life expressed their appreciation and let students know how much they had helped. Students delivered a book and PowerPoint with their team solutions.

Project-based learning like this helps LDSBC students learn, grow and prepare for opportunities in their lives. Students are grateful for these types of learning experiences where they can apply classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios.



4Life staff