During a recent devotional, Brother Fleek shared experiences and key decisions that had changed his life. As an esteemed historian from the West Point military academy, he has been awarded the Merit Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, and eight other decorations.
While reflecting on his life, Brother Fleek said who he was as a youth does not compare with the person he is now. He went through high school without attending seminary or becoming an Eagle Scout. He decided to enroll in the military for four years.
Life felt rough in the military, and one Sunday, Brother Fleek noticed other members of the LDS Church gather for sacrament meeting. He decided to attend, and while there he was touched by the Spirit and bore his testimony.
When he returned to his dorm, Brother Fleek was alone and, not knowing what to do, he knelt down and prayed. He asked for God’s help to make it through the Army, promising he would do his very best to serve Him throughout his life.
The military became an integral part of Brother Fleek’s future, providing unforgettable experiences over the years. He flew more than 2,200 hours. He drove military tanks. He served with distinction and honor.
Brother Fleek will never forget doing the same thing his father had done in three days while at the Hotel Utah in Salt Lake City: he read the Book of Mormon in three days. “The Book of Mormon is more than just words,” he told students. “It contains voices that speak to my heart. It is the word of God.”
He concluded by sharing his testimony of the veracity of the Book of Mormon. “If the Book of Mormon is true, then the means by which it came is also true,” said Brother Fleek. “It is a package deal.”