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Create Your Schedule

Ensign’s College Scheduler is the preferred tool for student registration. Search courses using filters and generate multiple schedule options, all in one easy-to-use platform.


Current Course Materials
New Grad Planner

Planning your schedule has never been easier! With our new Grad Plan, you can see all your classes organized by semester for your entire degree program.

You can get to Grad Plan from the College Scheduler by clicking on Plan in the left sidebar:

GradPlanner access

Drag and drop classes to fit your needs, then transfer your plan to College Scheduler with one click!

Here are some additional tips:

Add a Class

Add a Semester



working on a computer


1. Set course filters if desired.

2. Add courses.

3. Add breaks (consider work schedule, study time, etc.)

4. Generate schedules.

5. Choose schedule to ‘Send to Shopping Cart’.

6. From Shopping Cart, ‘Validate’ your schedule (for registration errors or holds).

7. From Shopping Cart, click on ‘Register’.

8. View your schedule in College Scheduler or MyEnsign.
More Instructions
Image of course scheduler Plan Schedule page with filter options

Set filters by using the ‘Change’ button.

  • Course status refers to: open/full or full with open waitlist
  • Instruction Modes

    • Hybrid Zoom and Face-to-Face: Courses which require both synchronous (Zoom at a set time each week) and in-person attendance.
    • In-Person: Normal in-person courses.
    • Online Course: Asynchronous (student self-pacing/no set time) attendance and coursework.
    • ONLINE-CES Global Initiative: Courses shared through BYU-Idaho, with BYU-Idaho professors.

  • Sessions

    • Regular Academic Session: Taught by Ensign professors.
    • BYU-Idaho: Shared course through BYU-Idaho, with BYU-Idaho professors.

Once filters are set, click on ‘add course’. Search by subject, instructor, or class number. Click ‘Back’ to return to main screen after you are done adding classes.

Adding courses does NOT mean you are officially registered. You must complete all the steps to register (see instruction overview above).

Image of Add Course button
Image of options for selecting courses (By subject, instructor, class #)

To schedule classes around work, study time, etc., add a break into your schedule by clicking on ‘add break’.

Image of Add a Break section
Add a new break section

After you have added courses and breaks, click on ‘Generate Schedules’ to view potential schedule options.

Click ‘view’ to see details of each and the magnifying glass for a visual schedule.

List of schedules generated with option to view each
Individual view of selected schedule

Use the arrows to scroll between schedule options.

The locking course feature allows you to ‘lock-in’ a desired course section/time as you are searching schedule options. Open the ‘view’ option next to a schedule and click on the lock icon next to the course. Re-generated schedule options will now only show options which include locked courses.

Image of lock icon used to lock in a class time

Before officially attempting to register, it is a good idea to ‘validate’ your classes. Validating checks to make sure you have met all the requirements to enroll in a course.

Image of screen with validate button
Screen showing whether requirements are met to enroll in selected classes

After you validate your courses, click on ‘Send to Shopping Cart’ to save your schedule.

Image of Send to Shopping Cart Button
Image of Shopping Cart containing selected classes

Use College Scheduler to edit and drop courses.

Click on ‘Current Schedule’ and ‘Edit or Drop Classes’.

Image of button to edit or drop classes in current schedule

Choose which course you want to drop, then click ‘Save’.

Image of checkbox to select in order to drop a class

Use College Scheduler to waitlist a full course.

Click on ‘Generate Schedule’ and you will see the class ‘Seats Open’ in red. Click ‘Send to Shopping Cart

Waitlisting 1.png

Check the box called ‘Waitlist’ then click ‘Finish’.

Waitlisting 2.png

Have a question? Our Virtual Assistant may be able to help.