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Choose Him Again

Brooke Linton
May 07, 2024 11:15 AM
Good morning and thank you Helaman for sharing your testimony with us. I consider it one of the greatest blessings of my life to be associated with Ensign College - there is a joyful Spirit here among the students, faculty, and staff. Another reason I love Ensign College is that it reminds me of my days at at Ricks College, now BYU-Idaho. I cherish my decision to attend Ricks College for two reasons: First, my experiences there greatly strengthened my testimony of Jesus Christ and second, I met my husband, Richard, there- he is my best friend, and I am grateful he is here today. As a side note, though we grew up in the same area, in Sandy, Utah, and had common friends, we first met in Accounting 101 in Rexburg. I like to share that story with my awesome Accounting students - you just never know what you are in for in Accounting 101!

We have been married for nearly 26 years now. Let me tell you a bit about the Linton family. Picture this: it is my first Christmas married, I’m very new to the Linton family, and still learning the culture of this unique group. It's Christmas Day, and Richard’s mom gives us all an individual gift that we are instructed to open at the same time. Everyone tears into their packages, and we open it to see something that looks like this (refers to slide of “Space Buster” nerf gun). Foam disc shooters. All chaos then ensues. Everyone is tearing open the packaging and loading their guns with the foam discs. Then a war began and I had two choices: hide or engage in battle. I think I probably ran for cover with Richard first to ask “what is this thing and how do we win?” It was fun, and also very unexpected! I think my mother-in-law found foam discs in her house for at least another decade.

 Fast forward about 15 years from that Christmas. We had spent 10 years living on the East Coast of the United States and had recently moved back to Utah. We had three kids at the time, with one more on the way. Our oldest and only son, Trevor, was 12 years old and ecstatic to be back in Utah with male cousins - a break from his sisters! A favorite activity of the Linton cousins became Nerf wars. Nerf stands for non-expanding recreational foam. So a Nerf gun is a toy gun made to shoot foam bullets at opponents. The cousins collected all types of Nerf guns and bullets. They planned and executed elaborate Nerf wars, with all kinds of preparation and strategy. And Grandpa never hesitated to join in the fun. See all the chairs that the cousins used to keep Grandpa out (Refers to slide of Grandpa shooting a nerf gun from behind chairs)? What you can’t see in this picture are several additional tables they had turned on their sides as barricades to hide behind.

As I reflect on the many Nerf wars we've had throughout the years, it causes me to think about another war, or battle, that we are engaged in. It started a long time ago, before we came to this earth, and continues today. Do you ever wish you could remember what our pre-earth life was like? What were our relationships like with others there? How did our Heavenly Parents prepare us for the battles we would face on earth?

 There is a children’s song that I love called “Choose Him Again” by Shawna Edwards. The first verse goes like this:

 Before we came here, we all lived in heaven

With Heavenly Father and Jesus, His son.

It’s where they taught us to choose good from evil

To be prepared for the battle to come.

For Satan tried to destroy us forever,

To make us turn from the things we were taught.

But nothing could keep us from choosing Jesus,

For we loved the plan of God [BL1] . [1]

Those last two lines are especially powerful to me. “Nothing could keep us from choosing Jesus, for we loved the plan of God.” We know that we chose the plan of God because we came to earth to live out the plan that we loved.

The word choose is important because agency is an integral part of God’s plan. We read God’s words in D&C 29:

“. . . the devil . . . rebelled against me, saying, Give me thine honor , which is my power ; and also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency ; And they were thrust down, and thus came the devil and his angels . . .

And it must needs be that the devil should tempt the children of men, or they could not be agents unto themselves; for if they never should have bitter they could not know the sweet.” [2]

 The phrase “agents unto themselves” is familiar to us here at Ensign, where we focus on becoming agents of our own learning. As a parent, I have come to better understand the principle of agency. When I think of honoring agency, I think of President Nelson. He consistently invites and pleads with us to follow the Savior, always reminding us of our power to choose. His wife, Wendy Nelson, said of him:

 “My husband is exquisitely honoring of the agency of others. He is the epitome of the words in the hymn ‘Know This, That Every Soul is Free’ [Hymns, no. 240]. These lyrics say it all: ‘He’ll call, persuade, direct aright, And bless with wisdom, love, and light, In nameless ways be good and kind, But never force the human mind.’ That is Russell M. Nelson.” [3]

 I think that is also the nature of our Heavenly Parents and our Savior. They will not force us, only direct and encourage us. Our agency is a gift. In order to fulfill God’s plan, we chose to be here on Earth, and being tested is part of that plan. Now we are in the thick of it, and Satan’s efforts are increasing.

 Elder Rasband said,

"Brothers and sisters, we are at war with Satan for the souls of men. The battle lines were drawn in our pre-earth life. Satan and a third of our Father in Heaven’s children turned away from His promises of exaltation. Since that time, the adversary’s minions have been fighting the faithful who choose the Father’s plan. Satan knows his days are numbered and that time is growing shorter. As crafty and cunning as he is, he will not win. However, his battle for each one of our souls rages on.” [4]

It’s so comforting to me that we know the outcome of this war. So how do we make sure we stay on the winning side? Let’s watch a video for the rest of the song “Choose Him Again” . . .(plays video, “Choose Him Again” by Shawna Edwards).

I appreciate the reminder in this song that we are fighting this battle not with swords, but with courage and faith. Satan uses subtle tactics to confuse us, discourage us, and tempt us. It is with courage and faith that we fight back.

What strategies can you employ in the battle against Satan? How can you diminish Satan’s power in your life?

A few years ago, something in the Come Follow Me manual really stood out to me. It was when we were studying the Doctrine & Covenants. In Chapter 10 the Lord exposes some of Satan’s tactics and offers warning and guidance that still apply today. He says in verse 5:

“Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work.” [5]

The manual then states “You could ask the Lord to help you see how Satan may be tempting you.” [6] This is something I had never thought to specifically pray about. At the time, I was serving in Young Womens, and I challenged the girls to pray for eyes to see how Satan might be working to deceive them. I also took this challenge upon myself – and I began to notice subtle thoughts that I realized were not coming from Heavenly Father. The Spirit helped me to recognize and reject thoughts that were not serving me- it helped diminish Satan’s power so that I could focus on choosing Christ again and again. I testify that as you pray to see how Satan might be deceiving you, Heavenly Father will help you see.

There are many other ways that we can protect ourselves in a battle. Some of my favorite scriptures are those that refer to the Armor of God. Doctrine and Covenants 27 tells us to take upon us the whole armor of God. One piece of this armor is the “helmet of salvation.” [7] Elder Robert D. Hales said that “the helmet of salvation guards our reasoning, intellect, and thoughts.” [8] So we can put on the helmet of salvation to help us better manage our thoughts. In our battle with the adversary, the armor of God protects us.

Here are some more pictures from family nerf wars (refers to pictures of children with nerf guns). Do you notice some of the armor? Without armor, we are left vulnerable to the fiery darts of the adversary. Here you can see my son wearing a helmet of salvation - he shared his hockey gear with cousins to arm them as well. Here is another daughter in a helmet and look at the shield, a very creative one indeed, crafted by my brother-in-law, Josh. Doctrine and Covenants 27 refers to the shield of faith: we’re encouraged to stand, “Taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” [9]

Even with armor, Satan is relentless, and we sometimes need additional protection to stay strong. I have seen on many occasions my son and his cousins build barricades to further protect themselves. There is peace when we are protected by armor and even more peace when in the safety of a shelter or a fortress. We no longer have a need to run for cover but can take time to strategize or regroup.

How can we build barricades or fortresses to protect us on this earthly battlefield? Elder Rasband said,

“As we diligently strengthen our fortifications, we become like Jesus Christ, as His true disciples, with our very souls in His protection. Your testimony of Jesus Christ is your personal fortress, the security for your soul.” [10]

If our testimonies are our personal fortresses, what are we doing to strengthen that security?

In April’s General Conference, Elder Steven R. Bangerter shared with us about his father’s counsel to “protect the private times of your life.” [11] These are the valuable times that can be used to build your personal fortress. Prioritize holy habits that connect you with God. He wants to help you and He wants a relationship with you. I urge you to Choose Him Again by building a trusting relationship with Him that will sustain you through every battle.

Even our Savior needed time to connect with Heavenly Father during His time on the earth. Mark 1:35 tells us about Christ preparing for a busy day: “Rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed”. We can choose the Savior by following His example to take time to be alone and pray and recharge our spiritual batteries.

Elder Bangerter said, “As you protect the private times of your life with wholesome recreation; listening to uplifting music; reading the scriptures; having regular, meaningful prayer; and making efforts to receive and ponder your patriarchal blessing, you will receive revelation . . .. Our Father in Heaven will answer your prayers . . . He will reveal to you your foreordained gifts and talents, and you will feel His love envelop you . . .

As you protect the private times of your life, your participation in the ordinances and covenants of the gospel will be more meaningful. You will more fully bind yourself to God in the covenants you make with Him, and you will be lifted to have greater hope, faith, and assurance in the promises He has made to you.” [12]

These are beautiful blessings and I testify that you will be building and strengthening your personal fortress as you follow this council. I have felt God’s love for me as His daughter during private, personal study and also worship in the temple. These habits are worth the effort and sacrifice - they help us stay on the winning side of our earthly battle.

In 1 Nephi 15:24 we’re reminded that “whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction.”

Stay close to the word of God, ask Him to help you know how to strengthen your testimony. I know He will guide you in these efforts to surround yourselves with a strong fortress against the adversary.

I also know that as we pray for help to recognize the fiery darts Satan targets at us, and as we build our testimonies and faith in Christ, we can be protected and stand with Christ at the last day. We can receive Heavenly help in these efforts, because, as Elder Kearon reminded us in April’s General Conference: “Everything about the Father’s plan for His beloved children is designed to bring everyone home.” [13]

It is inevitable that during this spiritual battle, we will be wounded. Sometimes these wounds will come as a result of our own choices, and other times our souls are injured as a side effect of being mortal.

Elder Neil L. Andersen said, “We search for happiness. We long for peace. We hope for love. And the Lord showers us with an amazing abundance of blessings. But intermingled with the joy and happiness, one thing is certain: there will be moments, hours, days, sometimes years when your soul will be wounded.

The scriptures teach that we will taste the bitter and the sweet and that there will be “opposition in all things”.

Wounds of the soul are not unique to the rich or the poor, to one culture, one nation, or generation. They come to all and are part of the learning we receive from this mortal experience.” [14]

Indeed, even during our family nerf battles, injuries have occurred. Some have been the result of a brother attacking a sister from too close a range, others from tripping or rounding a corner too fast. But one time, our daughter Savannah was more seriously injured during a cousin battle when she decided to jump up onto a counter, in her words, “hoping to hide from the ferocious attacks of the adversary (her brother).” Consequently, she hit her head on a metal cabinet handle. Her older cousin took a look at her bleeding head and amidst the chaos, calmly said, “Umm, you may want to go find your dad.” She ran upstairs and sure enough, it was pretty serious - soon all of the uncles were debating as to the proper treatment of the wound. In the end, a wonderful family friend who is a physician assistant came over to the house and took care of our daughter, using medical glue to close up her wound. We were all very grateful for his help.

Like my daughter, we will all experience wounds of the body and the soul as we traverse this life. And in like manner the Savior will be there to help heal us in our moment of need... we can Choose Christ Again for healing.

When Christ appeared to the Nephites in the Americas, he said,

“Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?

“… Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive.” [15]

President Nelson has also pleaded with us. He said, “I plead with you to come unto Him so that He can heal you! He will heal you from sin as you repent. He will heal you from sadness and fear. He will heal you from the wounds of this world.” [16]

I know that Jesus Christ is the master healer and that he loves each and every one of you. Just as our daughter needed help and healing in her moment of need, we need our Savior every day. As challenging as the hard times are in this life, those are the times that when have felt deep love, support and connection to Jesus Christ. I also know that we can come unto Him to find strength in our weaknesses.

Author Wendy Ulrich said, “While Satan is eager to use our weakness to entice us to sin, God can use human weakness to teach, strengthen, and bless us. God told Paul, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:7, 9).” [17]

In other words, it is because of our weakness that we are drawn to Christ. It is through our weakness that we can Choose Him Again - we can trust Him and rely on His strength and atoning sacrifice. The atonement of Jesus Christ is not a backup plan in this life. It is THE plan. I am so grateful for the atonement and the knowledge that Jesus Christ knows and understands every sadness, frustration, disappointment, pain, grief, and sorrow and how to help me through this life.

Okay, one last nerf battle photo (refers to slide of family)...this is our whole family during Covid days. After being online for work or school all day, we needed to get off of screens and get creative during those uncertain times. Nerf battles became a favorite activity yet again, and our kids loved to wait until it was dark outside, to play. My daughter, in the middle of this photo, wearing a ski helmet and goggles, decided she needed the helmet of salvation - to avoid a repeat of the previous injury!

Satan works in darkness - he wants us to be ashamed of our sins and our weaknesses. He wants us to give up because that is when we lose some of our armor and begin to despair. Don’t fall for this. Take up that helmet of salvation again. Talk to a friend, a trusted church leader, or parent. We can always choose Christ again- He is the light and He wants us to have His light in our lives so we can progress.

President Nelson said “Please do not fear or delay repenting. Satan delights in your misery. Cut it short. Cast his influence out of your life! . . . The Savior loves us always but especially when we repent. He promised that though “the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed … my kindness shall not depart from thee.” If you feel you have strayed off the covenant path too far or too long and have no way to return, that simply is not true. Please contact your bishop or branch president. He is the Lord’s agent and will help you experience the joy and relief of repenting.” [18]

Remember, even with minor wounds of life we can repent weekly by partaking of the sacrament. We are strengthened in this battle by turning to our covenants. I find that attending the temple brings great light into my life, especially when I am feeling beaten down by trials or even just tired from life’s burdens. Through a combination of service and peace, I feel rejuvenated when I spend time in the temple. Many recent conference talks have mentioned temple covenants. These words from Elder Duncan last year are powerful:

“The adversary is on the alert. His power is threatened by the ordinances and covenants performed in temples, and he does anything he can to try to stop the work. Why? Because he knows of the power that comes from this sacred work. As each new temple is dedicated, the saving power of Jesus Christ expands throughout the world to counteract the efforts of the adversary and to redeem us as we come unto Him . . .

As temples and covenant keepers grow in number, the adversary grows weaker. In this mortal life, we will never escape the war, but we can have power over the enemy. That power and strength come from Jesus Christ as we make and keep temple covenants.” [19]

When we choose to be in the temple, we are Choosing Christ again. When we are wounded or run down in this battle of life, let’s choose to remember Christ by allowing the atonement to help us and letting Christ’s grace be sufficient in our weakness. We can stay on the winning side of this battle, no matter how hard it gets.

Elder Anderson words are so encouraging:

“Never give up—however deep the wounds of your soul, whatever their source, wherever or whenever they happen, and however short or long they persist, you are not meant to perish spiritually. You are meant to survive spiritually and blossom in your faith and trust in God.

God did not create our spirits to be independent of Him. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through the incalculable gift of His Atonement, not only saves us from death and offers us, through repentance, forgiveness for our sins, but He also stands ready to save us from the sorrows and pains of our wounded souls.” [20]

I am grateful for the knowledge of the plan of God. The song, Choose Him Again reminds us that we can rise up and stand with our Savior in the battles we encounter with Satan. We can use our agency to fight with courage and faith. We can pray to know how to diminish Satan’s power in our lives. We can build our testimonies, our personal fortresses, and remember the armor of God that is available to us. We can repent and Choose Him Again and again. We can find peace and power in the temple.

I know that Christ lives and that He loves each one of you and wants you to return to Him. I am grateful for the atonement that makes it possible for me to progress. I know that as we Choose Christ Again, He will make our lives more amazing than we could ever do on our own. I pray that we can stand with our Savior, and that “nothing will keep us from choosing Jesus, for we love the plan of God”. [21]

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

[1] Shawna Edwards, “Choose Him Again”

[2] Doctrine and Covenants 29:36-39

[3] Wendy Nelson, as quoted in the book by Sheri Dew, Insights from a Prophet’s Life:  Russell M. Nelson

[4] Ronald Rasband, April 2019, “Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection”

[5] Doctrine and Covenants 10:5

[6] Come Follow Me: Doctrine and Covenants 2021, February 1-7: Doctrine and Covenants 10-11

[7] Doctrine and Covenants 27:18

[8] Robert D. Hales, “Modesty: Reverence for the Lord”, Ensign, Aug. 2008, 39.

  [9] Doctrine and Covenants 27:17

[10] Ronald Rasband, April 2019, “Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection”

[11] Steven R. Bangerter, April 2024, “Foreordained to Serve”

[12] Steven R. Bangerter, April 2024, “Foreordained to Serve”

[13] Patrick Kearon, April 2024, “God’s Intent is to Bring You Home”

[14] Neil L. Anderson, October 2018, “Wounded”

[15] 3 Nephi 9:13-14

[16] Russell M. Nelson, April 2023, “The Answer is always Jesus Christ”

[17] Wendy Ulrich, “IT Isn’t a Sin to be Wea”, Ensign, April 2015

[18] Russell M. Nelson, April 2022, “The Power of Spiritual Momentum”

[19] Kevin R. Duncan, April 2023, “A Voice of Gladness!”

  [20] Neil L. Anderson, October 2018, “Wounded”

  [21] Shawna Edwards, “Choose Him Again”

About the Speaker

Brooke Linton

Brooke Goldy Linton was raised in Sandy, Utah. She began her college education at Ricks College, where she met her sweetheart, Richard. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple and later attended Utah State University where Brooke completed a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Accounting.

Brooke finds great joy in motherhood. She also balanced working as a tax accountant in public accounting for many years, before joining the accounting faculty at Ensign College in 2023.

Brooke and Richard are the parents to four fantastic children, ages 22 to 9. Their family has lived in Utah, Florida, Virginia, and Maryland. They currently reside in South Jordan, Utah.

Brooke has enjoyed serving in a variety of callings, including Primary President and Young Women President, as well as in several stake and ward auxiliary presidencies. She currently serves as an Activity Days Leader for the delightful and energetic Primary girls in her ward. She cherishes the lessons learned and friendships forged through service.
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