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Ensign Rising
We are pleased to announce Ensign Rising, an exciting activity designed to commemorate the monumental occasion of our transition to Ensign College!
pec ensign1.jpg
The President’s Executive Council recently made the hike to the top of Ensign Peak. The location and name of this landmark has great significance, and now our institution will bear that same name. It is no coincidence that each of you are here at this historic time. Each of you is needed to make this transition and to position Ensign College to bless the lives of many more students for years to come.

We invite you to hike to the top of Ensign Peak as the PEC did. And as you stand at the base of the monument, looking out over the valley as our pioneer leaders and prophets did in the past, we invite you to consider the future of this institution just as they considered the future of the valley and the Church only two days after arriving in the valley.

If your experience is anything like that of the PEC, and we know it will be, you will feel a special connection to the mountain, to the valley and to the work we are engaged in as friends and colleagues. We believe it will be a special and transformative experience.

We invite you to document your hike and share your experience on social media. If you tag your images with #ensignrising we will be able to create a positive presence online as we reintroduce the College to the Church and share with them our feelings about this remarkable place, Ensign College.

  • All full-time employees and adjunct faculty are invited to pick up one free t-shirt at the help desk, make the hike with family and friends and post your pictures before August 15. (Shirt sizing is available on a first-come, first-served basis.)
  • As part of the Ensign Rising event, employees are encouraged to donate $15 as a “participation fee” to the newly created Ensign Rising Scholarship Fund. Donations may be submitted either online through Church Philanthropies or on campus using a donation lockbox located near the first floor elevator lobby. The Ensign Rising Scholarship Fund is unique in that only current and former employees of the College can donate to this fund. Proceeds will go toward supporting our general scholarships and will have no restrictions on student eligibility.
  • On Thursday, August 20, we’ll have a lunch meeting over Zoom to view the Ensign Peak photos together and announce how much money was raised through the Ensign Rising Scholarship Fund.

For additional details or questions about this event, please email our HR Director, Brady Kimber at


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