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Paul Eden

Paul joined Ensign College as the Chief Information Officer and Director of the Office of IT in January 2021, bringing with him a wealth of expertise and experience in diverse IT roles across multiple industries. His academic background includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Family Science from Brigham Young University and a Master of Business Administration degree in Finance from the Baker College School of Business.

Eden's professional journey spans over two decades, encompassing roles such as software developer, business analyst, system administrator, network administrator, and IT director for various companies. His tenure at Brigham Young University's Office of IT saw him excel in multiple positions, culminating in his role as the Senior Director of BYU Apps in 2020.

Eden's dedication to his faith and community is evident through his service as a musical missionary in the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square and his previous roles in the Church, including a full-time mission in the Brazil Recife South Mission, bishop's counselor, Elders Quorum president, ward clerk, and ward choir director.

Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, Paul Douglas Eden married Sarah Miller in 1999 in the Mesa Arizona Temple, and together they are the proud parents of two wonderful children.

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