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Beginning Spring 2025, most Ensign College campus courses will move from the current 14-week semester to two 7-week blocks within a semester. Students will benefit from the opportunity to focus on fewer topics at a time.

Why Are We Changing?

The reason for this change is simple: students do better in 7-week blocks. When we talked with other schools that have been using 7-week blocks, we learned that more students complete their courses and graduate on time. We want this for you, too!

Here are a few reasons students do better on the block schedule:

  • FOCUSED LEARNING: Concentrate on fewer subjects for deeper understanding.
  • FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE: Greater flexibility to fit your schedule and more opportunities to enroll in desired courses throughout the year.
  • REDUCED BURNOUT: Experience less stress and burnout with shorter, more manageable academic periods and a week-long break between blocks!

*International students on F1 visas must attend both blocks of each semester in-person.

How It Works

Instead of taking 4-6 semester-long courses, full-time students will now take 2-3 courses at a time for only seven weeks (maximum of 9 credits per block). Between the blocks is a one-week break.

  • A few classes, such as some lab and internship classes, will continue to meet for 14 weeks. These classes still have the week-long break.
  • Institute courses will break into A and B blocks.
  • Domestic students can enter Ensign at any block and skip a block if needed.
  • International students must attend both blocks in a semester in-person to maintain their student visa.
diagram showing how semester-long courses will be distributed in blocks

How Classes Will Be Different

As we transition from the 14-week semester to the 7-week block format, many students have taken block classes and full-semester courses at the same time. We understand that in this case the coursework may feel overwhelming at times. However, this is not what a normal 7-week block will be like. Taking only 2-3 courses at a time will be much easier and less overwhelming. Extensive research has found that students are successful in the 7-week block format, and many prefer it to the 14-week semester.

Restructured Classes

One misconception about 7-week classes is that they have all the same assignments and projects as a 14-week class, just "crammed" into a shorter time frame. This is not how we have structured 7-week classes. Every class and assignment has been redesigned to teach the most important concepts in a 7-week time frame.

The courses that are running now are "pilot" or test courses, where we are testing and refining each course. If you feel that the workload is too high or focuses on busywork, please be sure to share your feedback in the post-course survey. We read every response and use your feedback to improve courses.

Homework Load

Another misconception is that you will have twice as much homework. If you are a full-time student, you will spend the same amount of time in class and doing homework per week as you do now. While you may have more homework per class, you are taking fewer classes. So your total homework per week will be the same.

7WB Graphic Workload

Student Examples
Ivan likes the flexibility of online classes. He knows he has to have at least half of his credit hours on campus each block, so he takes his accounting and religion courses on campus and his English course online.
Felicia has a federal grant that helps pay her tuition. She wants to make sure nothing interferes with her financial aid, so she plans her schedule for the whole semester at once so she maintains the right number of credits.
Matt is serving a mission and will come home in September. Rather than wait until January to start school, he registers for classes in the second block of fall semester.
Sofia is nervous about taking statistics. She's glad that in the block schedule, she only has to take two courses at a time in addition to her religion. So she pairs her statistics course with an easier class to make sure she doesn't get overwhelmed.
Yearly Schedule

Adding a week-long break between the blocks will adjust our annual calendar and schedule. We will have a two-week break after winter and spring semesters and a three-week break in December.

We will have the same total number of vacation days, but they will be spread throughout the year.

Blocks will be numbered 1-6 according to the calendar year:

block schedule

International Students

To maintain their status, international students must:

  • Register for both blocks before the start of the semester.
  • Take at least 12 credits total over the semester. At least 9 credits must be in-person courses (not online). [See Graphic Below]
  • A student must be enrolled in at least 6 credits each block.
  • At least half of the credits in each block must be in person. For example, they cannot take only an institute course (one credit) in person and one or two online program courses (3-6 credits) in a block.
  • Take CPT within one semester. CPT is only authorized within one semester. For example, they cannot have CPT authorization in the second half of fall semester and the first half of winter semester.

How to Stay in Status

7WB International

Frequently Asked Questions
Courses and Workload
Most in-person courses will include more out-of-class activities and less time in class. The exact amount of time in class will vary by class.
Most classes will be on the block schedule. A limited number of classes, such as internship classes and some math classes, will remain on a semester schedule.
Your internship course and job are designed to last a full semester and always start in the first block. They are not available in the second block of any semester.
Institute courses are an important part of your Ensign College experience, and you are encouraged to take a religion course each block. This will help you focus on the Savior during your studies, giving you spiritual strength.

To make this easier for you, each institute class will be divided into part A and part B. Part A is taught during the first block and part B will be taught in the second block. For cornerstone classes (REL 200, REL 225, REL 250, and REL 275), it is extremely important that you register for both blocks together.

If you take an elective institute class, you may opt to take either part A or part B. If you want your elective credits to transfer, you need to take both parts.
Students are our primary concern. Any student who needs academic accommodations can seek help from the Disability Services office.
No. Our focus on hands-on learning will not change. Courses are being designed to reflect our Learning Signature to help students prepare, act, and demonstrate their learning within a 7-week block.
Each course has been designed to give students the same experiences they would have in a semester-long class. Reach out to your instructor to find out how group assignments will be structured in your class.
Yes! The amount, depth, and quality of instruction have been designed to give you the same experience that a traditional 14-week semester gives you, just in half the time!
Schedule and Registration
Taking 6 credits per block is considered full time (half of what you would take during a regular semester). You can take up to 9 credits per block.
Probably not. The purpose of 7-week block courses is to help you learn more deeply since you are focusing on fewer classes at a time.
Most students will register for two blocks at a time, or a whole semester. Your academic advisor will help you know which classes to register for and when to register for them.
No. Many classes will only be available during one block each semester, and some classes will be offered only once or twice a year. It is important to check in with your academic advisor. They can help you plan two years in advance!
Yes, but it will be shorter. You will still get the same number of weeks off each year, but they will be spread throughout the year. The current calendar can be found on the Ensign College website in Quick Links.
Additional Questions
Financial aid: Aid is typically determined at the beginning of the semester. If you drop classes and fall below your planned number of credits, your financial aid WILL be affected. Please contact the financial aid office to resolve any specific concerns.

Scholarships: Many of our scholarships are semester-based. Some will be available to students who begin mid-semester.
If you register for classes for just one block, you’ll pay part-time tuition. If you add more classes later, you’ll pay for those additional credits at that time.

International students and students who have received a scholarship must register for both blocks at the same time. Contact the Financial Aid office and International Student office to get more information.
We all contribute to what makes Ensign College special and welcoming to everyone who works and studies here, and we will continue to do so. The 7-week blocks will amplify what is already good, enjoyable, and spiritually enduring about Ensign College. More students will succeed in progressing toward reaching their goals of graduating as capable and trusted disciples because of deeper learning in every course and more flexible schedules.

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