Ensign College is the owner of all rights, title, and interest in and to all trademarks, service marks, trade names, initials, designs, logos, seals, and symbols (collectively "marks") associated with the College. These marks have been designed to visually identify Ensign College in specific ways and in a wide variety of settings—everything from student recruitment and orientation materials to stationery and employment forms. Consistent usage of the marks is critical to the College’s unique identity. As users of these marks, College personnel share the responsibility to safeguard them. Marks of the College may be used by College personnel in authorized work activities and publications only, and must be used within the guidelines outlined in the Logo Usage Guidelines.
Need a logo image or template? Please submit a Marketing Request Form below. Do not save or screenshot images from digital products—the image not be clear.
Internal Use | |
| HILLTOP LOGO The curved "hilltop" logo is preferred for internal marketing (posters, fliers, flatscreen images, etc.). It is available in three colors and can be placed in one of six locations on the design. Customizable Illustrator and Canva templates are available for common design sizes. Please submit a marketing request to get access to these templates. |
External Use | |
| STACKED LOGO The stacked logo is the preferred logo for public-facing products. Other logos may be used on approval only. |
| ONE-LINE LOGO The one-line logo is available for designs where the block logo will not fit. An all-black version is also acceptable. Use is limited. Use on approval. |
| MEDALLION LOGO The medallion logo is used ONLY in officially sanctioned situations. Do not use without permission. |
| COLLEGIATE "E" The block "E" designs are used primarily for merchandise (shirts, water bottles, stickers, etc.). Any other uses must be approved by Marketing and Communications. |
Ensign's primary color is the dark "Ensign" green. The light green and yellow below, as well as white, are accent or supplementary colors. Generally, we do not use the accent colors without the primary green.
HEX: #006248
RGB: 0,98,72
CMYK: 100, 32, 89, 25
HEX: #58AF58
RGB: 88,175,88
CMYK: 78, 0, 100, 0
RGB: 234, 168, 33
CYMK: 2, 37, 100, 0
Ensign College's official fonts are Montserrat and Libre Baskerville. They are preferred for official publications but do not need to be used for internal promotional products.
Imagery should always reflect our values and Honor Code standards. Choose photography that shows students and faculty in positive, active learning environments, interacting with each other and displaying happiness and growth.
Photographs should feature bright, well-lit environments with clean colors (not over- or undersaturated colors) or black and white.
All individuals featured should adhere to Ensign College's dress code. Do not feature anyone with tattoos, multiple piercings, facial hair (even with a beard card), clothes showing shoulders or above-the-knee outfits, low-cut or crop tops, graphic or vulgar slogans or images, etc.
We have created an online photo gallery (Zenfolio), where you can view and download photos from the Marketing collection. This gallery is incomplete, and we are updating it regularly.
If you need a photo that is not in the gallery, or if you would like to request a photoshoot, please submit a Marketing Request.