Apartment Community Amenities
House Amenities
Walking proximity
- Laundry room (coin-operated)
- Hob Nob gathering venue (Movies, Games, Piano & Parties)
- Shuffleboard court
- Orchards and edibles
- Free parking on wide street, always a parking spot
House Amenities
- Three bedrooms, one bathroom, tile and carpet
- Utilities: Gas, electricity, water, Wi-Fi connection
- Furnished: Beds, shelving, dressers, closets, couch, dining set, bar stools
- Refrigerator, stove, microwave
- Radiant heat floors, evaporative cooler
Walking proximity
- Rancho Market grocery/deli, gas station (one block)
- Restaurants, auto shops (two blocks)
- Trax Jackson Station light rail (one block)
- FrontRunner Station (three blocks)
- Ensign College Campus, Gateway Mall (four blocks, 15 min walk)
- $400 total to secure your position
Shared Bedroom:
- $450 monthly (4 per semester, no pro-rations)
Private Bedroom
- $550 monthly (4 per semester, no pro-rations)
733 West 200 North
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Please contact the landlords directly to ensure availability.
Jeri Olsen: (801) 301-0362
Rod Olsen: (801) 301-3121
Email: olsjer@gmail.com
Website: TheOrchardsAtJackson.com
Our Address: 744 Jackson Ave, Salt Lake City, UT 84116 (Landlords live half block from apt)
Jeri Olsen: (801) 301-0362
Rod Olsen: (801) 301-3121
Email: olsjer@gmail.com
Website: TheOrchardsAtJackson.com
Our Address: 744 Jackson Ave, Salt Lake City, UT 84116 (Landlords live half block from apt)

Living Room

Building Exterior


Shared Bedroom

Images and text (including marketing language) used to describe individual housing listings has been provided by property owners themselves. This information should not be construed as being endorsed, confirmed or guaranteed by Ensign College.
For more information on the college's relationship to property owners, please refer to the main housing page.