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A Degree in Software Development Can Open Doors

Getting a college degree can open doors to a good-paying career or additional education. For Alex Mestre, a software development student learning how LDS Business College offers more than business degrees, has done just that.  

“My mission president’s son and daughter had just enrolled, so I had heard good things about LDS Business College from him,” Mestre said. “It knew that it was cost effective to attend, and that you could be done with your degree in as little as a year and a half. My father also encouraged me – saying, ‘Why don’t you apply to the business college?’”

And so, Alex applied and was accepted. After hearing of the software development program and doing more research, Alex was immediately drawn towards it.

“I quickly realized that software development was about creating, and I like to create,” Alex said. “I knew that I would be able to make things that I would be proud of with this degree.”

The software development degree provides comprehensive training on the development of Windows, mobile and web programs. It provides job-ready skills that allow you to immediately jump into a career. Alex and his classmates have had many opportunities to apply what they’ve learned in real-world situations.

“All of my programming classes help you build skills from the very beginning,” Alex said. “Even though it’s fairly basic at first, you can see the results of what you’re learning right away. You learn how to implement them in a real job from day one.”

Because LDS Business College is part of the Church Educational System, it provides him with an intellectually stimulating education, complemented with a spiritual environment at an affordable price. In fact, tuition at LDSBC is the most affordable among all Church schools.

“I like to compare LDS Business College to the university where I attended in Venezuela,” Alex said. “The teachers and education were great, but you sometimes felt uncomfortable in the environment. Here, though, you really feel like everyone is seeking to learn through the Spirit, and I really like that.”

All of Alex’s hard work has paid off. Doors have continued to open for him while attending LDS Business College. While he won’t graduate until July, Alex recently started an internship he learned about in one of his software development classes.

“I love that each class is oriented to give you skills and results that you can see and measure,” Alex said. “With each class you take, you have a new set of skills that you can use, and I got an internship early on as a student because of that.”

Start opening doors. LDS Business College has opportunities waiting for you and your loved ones. We are definitely more than business.