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A sacred place

After serving a mission to Detroit, Michigan, Daniel returned to LDSBC to continue his education. While actively participating in different activities, he developed new interests and skills. He also saw how the College has provided for him a place of knowledge and revelation.

Currently, a Student Living Marketing Manager at LDSBC, Daniel works diligently to create content and develop marketing strategies. He sees how the College can be the perfect stepping stone for a future missionary, a returned missionary, or any person who wants to gain practical skills to make meaningful contributions in the world.

You are here not only to gain a temporal education but to learn to lead the affairs of the Lord's Kingdom, testified Daniel during a devotional. He encouraged students to be devoted and attend the weekly devotional. He said he recognized that the speakers had been prayerfully selected and prepared by consecrating their time to participate as guest speakers.

Choose to make your time here a time of revelation and growth, he concluded. The College is a sacred place, one designed to bless students academically, socially and spiritually.