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All will be well for those who put their trust in the Savior

When we know the truth, we must act on it and the truth is here! she said.

Sister Oaks also talked about her experience as a single woman for over 53 years. During those years she learned that your personal purity will determine everything. She urged the students to sanctify themselves by listening, reading and viewing appropriate things.

If you will stand steadfast and immovable, success will be yours, she said. And you will be tested in honesty, you will be tested in chastity, and you will be tested in truth. It will not be an easy task.

Temple attendance has always been important for Sister Oaks. She always feels peace and comfort by attending regularly. Your ultimate success relies on your commitment to the covenants you have made with Jesus Christ, she testified.

Sister Oaks has a testimony about the veracity of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. She knows it has been strengthened as she has lived with integrity and faith, hoping for better days ahead. She shared that if we would like to live after the manner of happiness, we need to serve others. She also suggested we should strive for perfection and to lead others to Christ as we are empowered by God. He will give us a remembrance of who we are and He will fill us with charity, she said. As we strive for being our very best self, all will be well for those that put their trust in the Savior.