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BC DECA win awards at state competition and qualify for finals

In February 2016, the State Career Development Conference was held at Dixie State University in St. George where LDSBC students competed.

Students could participate by competing in prepared presentations or business simulations. Prepared Presentations were prepared and practiced before they presented to a panel of judges. The business simulations consisted of written tests and case studies to test their knowledge in particular industries.

As a first-time competitor, Kasandra Matus practiced long and hard for her presentation with her teammate. "I was excited to present to the judges," she said. "It was a rewarding experience to apply what I had learned in my classes." Matus and her teammate placed first in their event.

Competing in the Emerging Technologies Marketing Strategy event, Caleigh Piper liked this event because "Prepared presentations allow you to know in advance what you're being asked to present on." With a background in marketing, she was able to successfully prepare a 25 minute presentation on cruise line marketing. "My teammate and I planned, prepared and practiced for hours to be ready to compete," Piper said. "At the end of it all, the work paid off when we were awarded first place in our event."

Dillon Schidan participated in the business simulation competition as it challenged his cognitive and vocabulary knowledge. "The case study portion presents a problem, asks for a solution and climaxes with a presentation to an executive in the company," Schidan said. "I chose this event because it matched my skills and interest in the retail management field."

Some of the simulations on the second day gave students case studies after walking into the room without any preparation on the subject. Kathy Grajales, a student who participated in this event, was one out of 19 other students who placed. "I was certainly excited and surprised," she said. "It was gratifying to be awarded third place and to have the support of my teammates and faculty."

In the end, 28 out of 33 students from LDSBC placed in their events and qualified for the International Career Development Conference in Washington D.C which took place in April 2016.

"These young men and women are the best and brightest of their generation," said Brent Andrus, DECA adviser at LDS Business College. "Watching them prepare, work together and encourage each other gives me not only great satisfaction as their advisor but gives me great hope for the impact they will have on generations to come."