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Brailee chooses inspiration over logic

She then recalled a letter sitting on her desk at home. When Brailee returned from her mission, she had received a letter with information about a returned missionary scholarship at LDS Business College. She had all but forgotten about it until the uneasy feeling in the temple. Thinking she should give the letter another look, Brailee found it, reviewed the offer, and visited the LDSBC website immediately.

At first, Brailee didn't think the College offered her what she needed. After all, she wanted to study architecture, and LDSBC didn't even offer to draft. But then she discovered the College's partnership with Davis Applied Technology College (DATC). She could take the technical architectural design and engineering courses at DATC, enroll in college courses at LDSBC, and end up with an accredited associate degree.

The DATC option is a wider opportunity we provide to LDSBC students, said Robert Salmon, Director of Strategic Initiatives at LDSBC. recognize DATC certificates, which helps us offer 22 more associate degrees that lead to good-paying jobs.

Thanks to the partnership, Brailee knew LDSBC was where she needed to be. The only other thing she needed was the humility to change all of her plans.

When it was time to move to Salt Lake City, I was really nervous, Brailee confessed. Being born and raised in a small Nevada city, I found it intimidating to move to Salt Lake City without knowing anyone. But when she arrived in Salt Lake, Brailee met her wonderful roommate, Karanda Heimuli. We got along really well, said Brailee.

As the semester began, Brailee was encouraged to join many of the volunteer activities on campus. When I attended the other university before my mission, I wish someone had given me some direction, she said. I now help new freshman students feel welcome at LDSBC through the volunteer mentoring program at the college. I really enjoy serving others.

In return, serving in the student mentoring program has been a wonderful blessing for Brailee. I get to meet people from around the world, she said. I have learned a lot from different cultures, and I really enjoy that.

At the same time, Brailee has taken steps to keep her life balanced. She tries to put first things first, and she makes attendance at the weekly devotional a priority. Every time I attend the devotional, I receive revelation, she said. My prayers have been answered multiple times. The things we learn there are truly Spirit led.

The overall LDSBC experience has been remarkable for Brailee. Being a student here is preparing me to be a person of integrity, she said. I hope to make the world a better place to live. We know the importance of families and homes, so I want to build houses that help families feel protected from the bad things of the world. I want to create spaces where people can feel safe.

Moving to the big city to attend school has helped bless Brailee with the future she wanted for herself. Gratitude fills my heart every time I remember the faith and obedience I needed to obediently follow the promptings of the Spirit, she said. Even when my choice did not seem logical at first, I am so glad I listened and came here.