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Bringing joy and beauty to design

The problem? The major had been discontinued at the college. Disheartened, she went to her bishop, who suggested she explore options elsewhere. That led her to LDS Business College, where she enrolled and found precisely what she needed to excel. “I know it was exactly where I was meant to be,” she said.

The student from Highland, Utah, made many friends at the school. Early each morning, Brittany and others studying interior design met to work on a project that took two years to complete. “I made amazing friendships and connections I will have for a lifetime,” she said. “I learned from teachers who really cared about my education, and I loved how my instructors were actively involved in design in their own careers.”

While at LDSBC, Brittany learned exactly what she needed to land a job in her field. She gained skills in Photoshop, space planning, and AutoCAD. Her new employer hired her thanks to her AutoCAD and Portfolio experience, honed to a large degree by what she had worked on at LDSBC.

“Interior design is creative, and as a student I studied alongside some of the most talented people,” said Brittany. “I found myself comparing my results with others and thinking in terms of what was ‘better.’ I had to work really hard to overcome that natural instinct. I changed my mindset so I could appreciate my own work but also admire the work of others. Interior design is subjective, and every perspective is personal and unique. That’s what makes design so beautiful. There is room for everyone.”

Brittany also grew closer to her Heavenly Father at LDSBC. “A favorite devotional shared how we, as designers, are like God,” she said. “Realizing that design was a trait of God helped me draw closer to Him and appreciate design on a whole new level. I know He cares about my education, dreams, and what I aspire to achieve.”

Brittany has discovered a particular passion for residential design. She works to create a home and atmosphere where families can grow closer in the presence of the Spirit. “Design is everywhere,” she said, “and it affects everyone every day. I am using what I learned at LDSBC to help people find beauty, purpose and joy in the world around them.”