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Business class provides recommendations to The Baked Bear

This semester, the business class researched, consulted and worked with the owners of The Baked Bear, a custom ice cream sandwich franchise in Utah. The class was divided into teams and put in charge of different areas like social media, catering and customer service to develop suggestions and solutions to help the company improve.

The franchise manager and his operations assistant attended the final class presentation where each team demonstrated what they learned and outlined recommendations to help the company.

The project took several weeks of researching, creating surveys, analyzing Facebook and Instagram posts, visiting different stores, creating SWOT analyses, etc. The students also delivered a report containing their recommendations to The Baked Bear at the end of the class.

The Baked Bear personnel were impressed by the presentations and congratulated the students, teacher and College for their excellent work. They were thankful for the professionalism and creativity of the students and grateful the College provides these opportunities for students to work with local businesses.

Following the presentation, Scott Newman, the College’s Business Management Program chair, received a framed picture from the class to thank him for all he has done for them and the College. The students expressed gratitude to Brother Newman for real-world experiences and always helping them succeed.

Fall 2017 is Brother Newman’s last semester at the College. Since 2004, he has touched the lives of hundreds of LDSBC students studying business management and entrepreneurship. His legacy is one of professionalism, excellence and friendship. He will be missed.