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CES Honor Code Clarification

Below is a letter from Elder Paul V. Johnson, Commissioner of the Church Educational System, regarding the updated Honor Code as well as a Q&A with the director of LDS Business College's Honor Code Office, David Brooksby.



Q&A with the LDS Business College Dean of Students

David Brooksby answers questions about the CES updated Honor Code

We encourage all members of our campus community to review the letter sent to them from Elder Paul V. Johnson, Commissioner of the Church Educational System, on March 4, 2020. In the Q & A below, David Brooksby, LDSBC Dean of Students, shares responses to questions about Elder Johnson’s letter and our Honor Code Office processes.  David and college leadership have been in communication with the Church Educational System Commissioner’s Office regarding the application of the principles in the updated Honor Code. Those who have specific questions beyond what is covered here, are encouraged to visit the Honor Code Office.


Why was the prescriptive homosexual behavior language removed from the Honor Code?

The Honor Code was changed to create a single standard for all CES institutions that is consistent with the recently released General Handbook of the Church.


How do you expect members of the campus community to respond to the updated Honor Code and events of the last two weeks on CES campuses?

We realize that emotions over the last two weeks cover the spectrum and that some have and will continue to feel isolation and pain. We encourage all members of our campus community to reach out to those who are personally affected with sensitivity, love and respect.  


Can members of our campus community who identify as LGBTQ or SSA be disciplined for going on a date, holding hands and kissing?

In his letter, Elder Johnson counsels, “Same-sex romantic behavior cannot lead to eternal marriage and is therefore not compatible with the principles included in the Honor Code.” Therefore, any same-sex romantic behavior is a violation of the principles of the Honor Code.


Does the college expect students to report fellow LGBTQ or SSA students to the Honor Code Office for romantic behavior?

One of the Honor Code principles states: “Encourage others in their commitment to comply with the Honor Code.” Encourage is not synonymous with “turn someone in.” Encourage is an action that means to give support, confidence or hope to someone. We are all members of the LDSBC community—thousands of people coming together to develop faith, intellect and character, and we should always reach out in love and support to those around us.


What happens when someone reports a student to the Honor Code Office?

For a complete description of the Honor Code Office investigation and review process, go to  Please remember the office does not investigate anonymous reports and the reporting individual must agree to have their name be known, except where the reported behavior could impact the physical safety of members of our campus community.


How does the Honor Code Office work with ecclesiastical leaders on this matter?

The Honor Code Office does not work with students’ ecclesiastical leaders, nor does it weigh in on endorsement decisions made by ecclesiastical leaders.


All colleges and universities have a code of conduct that outlines the expectations of behavior for its students. LDSBC calls its code of conduct the Honor Code. All colleges and universities also have an office that is primarily responsible for addressing behaviors that violate its code of conduct, which is generally under the purview of the Dean of Students. Such is the case at LDS Business College.

For further information on this question, please contact David Brooksby, Dean of Students.

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