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College holds 2019 Christmas Employee Recognition Luncheon

LDS Business College held its semi-annual Employee Recognition Luncheon in conjunction with its annual Christmas Luncheon Tuesday.

Two full-time employees were recognized for exhibiting excellent leadership characteristics and selfless service at the college, and being exemplary role models in becoming capable and trusted disciples of Jesus Christ.

Nominees were compiled based on recommendations from fellow employees. President Kusch, with President’s Executive Council, selected a recipient each for the Employee Leadership Award and the Employee Service Award.

Troy Beynon, Chair of the Faculty Development Committee, received the Employee Leadership Award.

Here is what fellow co-workers had to say about Beynon:

“Troy is just amazing – he is so centered on true principles and humbly shares wisdom wherever he is. You can tell from his quiet dignity, the light in his eyes, and the tone of his voice that he loves the Savior and the students who are at LDSBC.” 

“Troy always maintains a positive attitude. He genuinely wants to make a difference for the better in the lives of faculty and students.”

Stacey Boman, Manager of Accounting, was the recipient of the Employee Service Award.

The following is what employees said regarding their recommendation of Boman for the award:

“Stacey serves with a gentle heart, an infectious smile and the patience of Job. She will explain a requested financial process 1,000 times to the same person as if it was the first time with all the care and detail required. She will send, without judgment, a form that is posted on the Intranet; she will track down a paper trail, find a filed document, serve on a task force – anything she is asked without a whisper of discontent. Stacey's Christlike attributes shine each time she interacts with anyone on campus and the work she accomplishes is so valuable to the institution, yet virtually invisible.” 

”Stacey was a WORK HORSE on the Workday project. She served her team selflessly and stepped in to help at a time when Chris had some medical issues, and she needed to shoulder more weight. In a very real way, she carried the weight for the Finance team and was always cheerful doing so. She got in, pushed up her sleeves, and really helped to design a lot of the system and processes for Finance. Certainly, those she worked with were involved as well, but the dedicated role that Stacey played cannot be overstated.”

Beynon and Boman each received plaques and a painting of the Savior.

Two full-time employees will be selected and honored twice each year as part of the College’s effort to increase recognition – a charge from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf given on Oct. 24, 2017, during President Kusch’s inauguration as LDS Business College’s 13th president.

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