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Education: Hope for the Future

Matias served a full-time, two-year LDS Church mission in Rome, Italy. At the end of his service, his mission president suggested he consider going to the U.S. for college. He started his education in an English Learning Center, then went to BYU-Idaho for a semester. While he was there, he learned about LDS Business College and began to be drawn to the school. So, he made the move from Rexburg to Salt Lake City to attend the BC.

The first in his family to attend college, he was motivated to get an education to change his — and his family’s — future. Even though his family was not initially supportive of his desire to go to college, they came around to the idea because prophets of God have counseled us to pursue all the education we can.

Getting an education in Uruguay is challenging because children start working by the time they’re teenagers to help support their families. Matias started working when he was 12 years old. While attending high school, he worked three jobs, sleeping only a few hours each night, and walking seven miles each way to get to school.

He’s grateful he met the missionaries during his senior year of high school. Matias and his family took the missionary lessons. He was able to be baptized, then perform the baptisms of his family members.

Through scripture study, he learned the importance of education and how it can bless his life and his future family.

Matias has loved being at the Business College. “I feel a sense of belonging and family here,” he said. “In the end, it’s about how much you personally, professionally and spiritually grow.”

His message for the other students is: “Don’t get discouraged. All things are possible in Christ (see Philippians 4:13). If we trust in ourselves and do our best, things will work out. Everything will come at the right time and place. Be patient.”