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Frank defeats fears with career focus on Cyber Security

Thanks to his education at LDS Business College, new doors to greater opportunities are now open for Frank.

It could seem ironic that after facing so many fears Frank has chosen to major in cybersecurity. The knowledge he has obtained and the things he has achieved are more than he ever thought he could accomplish.

After serving an LDS mission in Washington, D.C., Frank felt prompted to attend LDSBC. Financial resources were a struggle for the international student, but he is quick to note that “the little things the College does for students, such as the returned missionary scholarship, really made a difference.” Gratitude fills his heart as he reflects on the scholarships he has received to help him obtain an education.

As a student at LDSBC, something Frank really enjoys is the opportunity to be mentored by teachers with experience in his field. Their advice has been instrumental in helping him build his career. He is confident the knowledge he is obtaining in classes will help him get a job—and succeed—in the cybersecurity field.

Attending LDSBC helps Frank live a life of discipleship in all he does. “There are more rules compared to other schools, and being a disciple and example of Christ unto others is a lot to live up to,” he admitted. “But when you enter the building, you can feel that it is a really unique place.”

That uniqueness helps set students apart. “People notice that LDSBC students are different,” he said. “It’s a good thing. I would like to make a difference in the world by applying the techniques from school with the IT field and bringing that and the doctrines of the gospel together.”

Frank is already making a difference as president of the Cyber Security Club. His main goal was to build a strong relationship among teammates, but his great effort and input helped the team achieve much more. Soon after he became president, the team competed at the Open West competition, taking second place overall. “The students were calm while competing,” Frank said . “That was remarkable, and it helped the team accomplish the job needed.”

The LDSBC experience has given Frank confidence and helped him feel prepared for a bright future. “I know that I’m capable of applying the concepts and principles I have learned,” he said. “My testimony of the doctrines of the gospel has increased, and protecting others through cybersecurity is a career that feels right for me.

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