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God loves each of us

When student Debbie Langley contemplates the pain Jesus suffered as his Father watched but could not intervene, she thinks of her own son. Years ago he was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a disease that dissolves the protective coating of all the nerves in the body. The result is immense pain.

Debbie reflected on how much her son suffered even from hearing people walk around him. As she saw him sob and felt powerless to help, a prompting came to her mind: “You may not be able to comfort him or ease his pain, but there is someone who can.” Instantly, she knew. She prayed and asked Heavenly Father to do what she could not. Even as Debbie opened her eyes she saw her son being relieved from his pain.

“I testify that we have a loving Heavenly Father who is totally aware of each and every one of His children,” she said. “He knows every detail of every minute of our lives.”

As Debbie has experienced different challenges in life, she has used a “God box” to help her cope. She takes her fears and doubts and mentally puts them in the God box. The rule is that if a fear or doubt is in the box, Debbie can’t focus on it or worry about it.

Debbie trusts her Savior will always be there for her. He always has been. Every time she has faced a daunting challenge, the Lord has provided answers, support and encouragement. His pure love has been a healing balm. She has but to follow him and believe.