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Heavenly Father answers prayers

Speaking at devotional on Tuesday, May 31, 2016, she gave a list of and taught five life lessons she learned from life struggles that brought her closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

  1. Have faith in the power of prayer.
  2. The Lord knows each of us individually-He answers our prayers.
  3. We need to listen and obey to spiritual promptings.
  4. The Lord sees things we cannot see, so we must trust in His timing.
  5. Be flexible and have the patience to wait until you’re prompted.  

As Larson told many life stories relating to these 5 lessons she encourage us to test the Lord. Pray for the little things as well as the big. Larson has learned of her personal worth from our Heavenly Father and relayed to us that “You are never truly abandoned, He is waiting nearby.”

Pray always.