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Hunter opens doors for himself and others

Hunter served a church mission to Villahermosa Tabasco in Mexico, and when he returned his mom advised him to check out LDS Business College. She felt its social media program would be a good fit, but he rejected the idea in favor of a four-year university.

Soon Hunter started to question his choice. It seemed pointless to spend nearly two years just taking general classes at the university. He also kept seeing ads about LDSBC, and he started thinking it could be the smarter choice.

One call to the school about the social media program was all Hunter needed to sign up for his new journey. “I was convinced that this was the place I needed to come,” he said. He decided to pursue an associate degree in Social Media Marketing.

“After enrolling I wondered if I should have declined a big opportunity at a different university to attend here,” he said, “but it has been the biggest blessing. The switch has paid off a hundredfold.”

The school’s focus on hands-on experience is also opening doors for Hunter. “I’m already taking advantage of social media opportunities in class,” he said. “I always introduce myself to the presenters that come to our lecture series and connect with them on social media. I comment on their social media posts, ask them questions, and share my work with them.”

He is quick to share his strengths as well. “I like to help businesses accomplish their objectives by offering consultations, workshops, and social media content,” he said. “In turn, as I nurture those relationships they help me network with others. I stay in constant contact, ask for their professional opinions, share content, and simply ask how they are doing.”

Serving as president of The Social Lions social media marketing agency at LDSBC has enabled Hunter to stay focused on helping students and businesses create effective digital advertising. He likes to provide valuable opportunities that pay off for everyone involved. “I want to do my best to open doors and be a positive influence,” he said.

Hunter also attributes his accomplishments to others who have supported him and helped him grow. “We’re all in this together,” he said. “I love social media because I learn a lot from all the students, presenters, teachers and what they have shared with me.”

Hard work at the agency and school has taught Hunter what he needs to succeed in business, but he says the spiritual aspect has been huge as well. “The main mission is to deepen students’ relationship with the Savior,” he said. “He never wants anyone to fail. If you take classes seriously ask with a sincere heart to learn and understand your path, you will achieve success here.”

As Hunter looks toward the future, he will always be proud he attended a Church institution. He will reflect on the people he helped and who helped him. “I will be grateful the school enriched me educationally,” he said, “but also spiritually a hundred times more. I made the right decision.”