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Inherit the promised land

“Many of us have left family, friends, and even comfortable living situations to come from all over the world to be here at school,” he said. And just as Lehi faced challenges living in the desert, students will also face challenges as part of their journey.

“The Lord is sculpting us at the College,” said Chris. “As we dwell in our ‘tents’ here, we will become successful in our work and in our families. The Lord will aid us in these things. He will also give us physical and spiritual strength.”

While looking back at his life, Chris sees how his original plans were different. As he relied on God, however, he was led step by step to the College. The path is taking Chris to where he knows he wants to be.

“Throughout our experience at LDS Business College, we similarly will have many challenges,” he said. “It is important to understand that we will also have many blessings. We know from later on in the story that Lehi’s family inherited the promised land. We, too, will inherit our promised land.”