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IT program hosts high school cybersecurity competition

Local high schools send teams to LDSBC where College IT students conduct a similar competition like the one in which they competed, sponsored by NIATEC (National Information Assurance Training and Education Center), in November. One of the LDSBC teams won second place at last month’s cybersecurity competition, and both teams placed in the top 10 (read more about the annual NIATEC collegiate cybersecurity competition here [link to]).

The high school students came to LDSBC on Dec. 1 and spent the day learning with LDSBC students and professors. Students were taught what IT workers do and introduced to some different IT challenges and opportunities.

The event helps high school students decide if IT is a good fit for them, gives them experience working as a member of a team, and better prepares them for cybersecurity competitions on the collegiate level.

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