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Katie finds hope in a more secure future

She moved back home, and while working full-time in the banking industry, Katie noticed how easy it was to help coworkers who were experiencing issues with computers or software. As she realized how much she enjoyed helping others with IT issues, she thought about returning to school for additional training.

Looking at schools became somewhat stressful as she looked at the tuition and additional fees involved. Still, even with financial challenges, Katie knew that going back to school was right for her.

One day, during a short trip from Ogden to Salt Lake to visit with friends, Katie found the answer she needed. “I was on my way back home when a friend I was riding with told me about LDS Business School,” she said. Later, and familiar now with LDS Business College, Katie was surprised to hear an ad on the radio about the school’s Cybersecurity program. She was intrigued.

“I decided to look-up LDSBC online and found it was more affordable than other schools,” she said. Everything seemed to fall into place to attend LDSBC, but she still felt overwhelmed.

“I had to take a leap of faith and put my life on hold,” she admitted. Katie sought guidance and received a priesthood blessing that reassured her. “I was told that these things didn't just fall into my lap, but that I worked for them and was being given these opportunities,” she said.

After seven years of not attending school, Katie Jackson enrolled at LDS Business College. She quit her job, set a schedule to manage her time, and moved away from home with a little fear and a lot of faith. As she took classes to teach her different cybersecurity skills, Katie realized that she had much to contribute to her new field.

“Attending school helped me gain my sense of confidence back,” she said. After excelling in classes her second semester, she applied for internships and was hired. “It took me just two semesters to get a job in my field,” she said. “After the internship, I was offered a long-term position.”

As she reflects now on her life and LDS Business College, Katie sees how much she has grown. “It’s hard to compare myself with where I was before and where I am now,” she said. “The College has been part of my healing process. Taking leaps of faith has taught me that I can do difficult things. My professors have been so nice and supportive, and I feel really blessed for the amazing opportunity to learn and grow at LDSBC.”

When asked about her plans for the future, Katie is excited to be on a good path for both cybersecurity and life. “I know I’ll always succeed if I just keep working at it,” she said. “I hope to change the world by helping everyone feel secure, loved and accepted, in the workplace and at home.”