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Keep Improving; Marlene’s Experience at the College

With a deep desire to learn and acquire new skills, Marlene came to LDS Business College this year to get a business degree. As she learned more about the College, she decided to major in Medical Coding.

Originally from Canada, Marlene went to BYU in her early 20s and got a degree in business fashion merchandising. After that, she worked in the retail industry for about seven years.

With a deep desire to keep learning, she went to Salt Lake Community College to do general studies, then transferred to National Medical Institute to get a medical aesthetics degree. With an entrepreneur spirit, now she offers spa services from her home.

Even though she has experienced different challenges in her life, she strives to keep it simple, in a way where she’s able to keep herself busy and learn every day. Among the things she accomplishes during the day, Marlene makes sure she is praying, exercising, writing her journal and getting her scripture study done.

She has come to love the school. It has challenged her and taught her more about what she is capable of. Marlene recognizes the good teachers she has had at LDS Business College. They have taught her a lot with their degrees and experience. Marlene has been able to get the best out of her experience at the College.

Her advice for students is to “be yourself and be authentic to you. Be comfortable but keep trying to improve yourself. Enjoy the gift we have to be here at this school.”

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