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Krithika redefines her future

“I felt I had to pursue even more,” said Krithika. “After looking at different options, I heard about LDS Business College through some good friends. I decided to apply.”

Applying as an international student while working full-time in India was not an easy task, however. She faced the challenge of studying for the English proficiency test and obtaining money to pay for a year of school.

Determined, Krithika pushed forward. To her disappointment, her first application was rejected. She spoke with advisors at the Admissions department at LDSBC and reapplied. The day finally came when her application was accepted.

Krithika traveled from her hometown of Bangalore, India, to Salt Lake City, Utah. Her initial goal was to obtain an associate degree in Business Management, but after finishing her first semester, she felt her major was not what she wanted to pursue.

She visited with student advisors to see if she could find a better fit for her interests. “I learned about a new program they had just launched called Business Intelligence,” said Krithika. “I immediately decided to talk with the program director.”

After speaking with  IT Program Director Spencer DeGraw, Krithika felt convinced she should change her major to Business Intelligence. “This was it,” she said. She liked how the new focus helped businesses increase profits and efficiency based on data.

“The instructors played an important role in me becoming the person I am today,” said Krithika. “I knew I could talk to them about anything, and they always gave me good advice.”

Performing well in two classes also led Krithika to a Business Intelligence internship for the Family History Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “I gained real-world experience,” she said. “I received a better understanding of real-life customer interaction. I learned the requirements to create online dashboards and reports.”

During her fourth semester at LDSBC, Krithika was offered a full-time position. Before graduation, she had four more job offers. “LDSBC was a great experience,” she said. “I came to learn what I was capable of—my potential—and what I could do. The school helped me become my very best self. LDSBC helped me see my potential and redefine myself and my future.

“I cannot express how grateful I am for the guidance from Brother DeGraw,” she continued. “Before I even graduated, I landed a full-time, real-world job with a top imaging company as a business intelligence analyst. The pay is quite good, and I am excited to contribute. The LDSBC associate degree program I pursued changed my career path and my life.”

Her experience has also given Krithika the desire to give back to others. “I would like to be an example for those in the IT field who think the subject is hard or feel they are lost,” she said. “We are all in the same boat, and with the Lord’s help we will all figure it out.”