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Kyle continues to dance and serve

 Family and friends fasted and prayed for Kyle, and after three months of intense medical assistance, he began to recover quickly. “It was a miracle!” said Kyle. “I had to relearn how to talk and how to walk, but I did it.” He then restarted doing what he loved the most: dancing.

    While he still enjoyed dancing, Kyle knew he needed to rethink his career path. He set a goal to return to school, but he had not decided where. His father, film director Blair Treu, was invited to speak at LDS Business College in 2014, and afterward, his father and his mother felt prompted that Kyle needed to attend school there.

    Kyle and his father scheduled a tour of the College, and it ended up being given by Spencer Taggart, the Director of Marketing and Social Media in 2014.

    “I had never really considered LDS Business College,” said Kyle. “I had been considering some other schools, but I was humbled to find all the good things this College could offer me.”

    In fall 2015, Kyle started his journey as a social media marketing student at the College. He was surprised to see how current and applicable the courses were. Although he had already finished his religion credits, Kyle was required to register for religion classes at the College. “I thought it was ridiculous at first,” he admitted, “but then I found myself drawing closer to God.”

    Trying to balance his education with work and other obligations was a challenge for Kyle. As he put his faith and effort into school, he noticed how the College was helping him truly prepare for his field. He liked how he was gaining a practical, useful knowledge of what he had learned during class.

    Fast forward two years. Kyle is now launching his career in social media marketing. He works as a business consultant and works full-time for a marketing agency. He met his wife when his sister asked him to introduce himself to a new student from Kansas. To his surprise, the lovely girl was passionate about learning ballroom dancing. The two clicked, and beyond a dance partner Kyle found his sweet companion.

    “Although I have faced some challenges,” he said, “I have what I need most: love, dance, solid knowledge in my field, and a closer relationship with God. I look forward to sharing my blessings with the world, whether in everyday life or humanitarian work.”

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