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LDS Business College Announces Name Change and Other Significant Adjustments 

Since its inception in 1886, LDS Business College has undergone various changes as the institution has responded to the marketplace, enabling it to provide valuable and relevant education for its students. With these goals in mind, the Board of Trustees of LDS Business College announces that LDS Business College will become Ensign College. This change will be effective September 1, 2020, to coincide with the beginning of the new academic year.

In an effort to better serve the students who attend Ensign College, The Board of Trustees has also approved two significant changes regarding the curriculum of the school.

Ensign College will offer a limited number of Bachelor of Applied Science degrees. This type of degree is unique in its focus and concentration on preparing students with the skills employers are requesting. It is anticipated that three new degrees in Business Management, Communications, and Information Technology will be offered beginning Fall Semester 2021.

Additionally, Ensign College will offer more of its unique job-ready curriculum online, expanding its geographic reach to serve students beyond its Salt Lake City, Utah campus. In large measure, this will be facilitated through a close collaboration with BYU-Pathway Worldwide.

The mission of the school to produce graduates who are spiritually well-grounded and professionally prepared will not change. Ensign College will retain its accreditation status as a two-year college. Specific details of the changes are in process and will be announced at appropriate times in the future.

“LDS Business College has always been ‘a unique and treasured part of the Church Educational System’”,1 said Elder Paul V. Johnson, Church Educational System Commissioner. “The changes announced today, including becoming Ensign College, do not change the nature of the institution. They build upon the college’s deep commitment to students and position it to better bless their lives in new and meaningful ways.”

Remarks from Elder Johnson and President Kusch can be found on the LDSBC website at:

Answers to common questions regarding these changes can be found on the LDSBC website at:


1 “Learning Who You Really Are”, President Henry B. Eyring. LDS Business College Devotional, November 6, 2018. (