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LDSBC claims three 2017 Best of State awards

This year, LDS Business College received three awards in the Best of State education category:

Seminar Training/Education: LDS Business College Devotional Series

LDS Business College hosts a one-hour devotional every Tuesday as a non-required, but highly encouraged, campus event designed to strengthen Christian discipleship. In 2017, a new committee and improved promotional efforts in 2014 brought attendance up from 31 to 56 percent of the student body. Devotionals are shared on the College’s website and YouTube channel.

Educational Service: LDSBC Student Development Center

The Student Development Center (SDC) at LDS Business College is the collective set of educational services to help students successfully navigate their experience at the College. The SDC serves about 2,000 students from 60 countries.

Vocational Training-Private: LDS Business College

LDS Business College caters to students typically not well-served by other institutions of higher education. This two-year college enlightens minds and elevates hope for about 2,200 students annually by helping them develop skills, habits and qualities that improve employability. Since 1886, the College has focused on teaching relevant skills valuable in any career and in any market.