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LDSBC hosts Seminary Principal Event with Elder Bednar

LDS Business College hosted the Seminary Principal Event Wednesday at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in Salt Lake City.

This annual event brings together seminary and institute directors from the Northern Utah and Southern Idaho region to discuss how LDS Business College can help potential future students.

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was the keynote speaker for the event. He began with a few remarks before opening the floor for questions during a 90-minute session.

Bruce C. Kusch, President of LDS Business College, next addressed the audience – discussing the ways LDSBC is paving a path of deep learning for all who wish to attend here.

The Manager of Financial Aid, Melanie Conover, followed with remarks on LDS Business College scholarships and their increased awareness.

Jeffrey Rowland, LDSBC Institute Director, then talked about LDS Business College students and the impact that each person who attends the College has on each other.

Additionally, two students bore testimonies on how LDS Business College has changed their lives.