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LDSBC’s Mock Interview Week is a Model of Excellence


Since fall 2014, Mock Interview Week has provided students with opportunities to practice the interview process that is necessary for job applications. Students are required to do many things that help them showcase their skills and share their amazing character with employers.

The requirements include arriving on time to their interview and being professionally dressed with a resume in hand. During the 20-minute interview, the students answer behavior-based questions and ask the interviewer questions about the organization they represent.

Following the interview, students are also required to write a handwritten, thank-you note to the interviewer. They give feedback on the interviewer’s demeanor, just as the students get advice on how they can better approach the interview process and how the program can improve.  


Both students and employers look forward to this growing experience. In Spring 2016, LDS Business College had 67 faculty and employers performing 250 student interviews, averaging three per week.

Cathy Carey, director of curriculum at LDSBC said, “The energy and enthusiasm is palpable on campus during that week.”

Many employers have asked to continue their contributions in future years. The most common question from employers who conducted the interviews was, “Is it OK if we offer student jobs?”


University Business publishes a magazine three times a year recognizing colleges and universities that have implemented innovative, effective and inter-departmental initiatives that help student success. By recognizing these programs they help spread the word about what excellence in higher education really means.

University Business recognized LDS Business College in their August edition with an article about Mock Interview Week. They were one of nine two- and four-year institutions in the United States and Canada recognized for innovative programs.


LDS Business College has many programs that receive recognition, but there are four main reasons why the Models of Excellence award is important.

  1. Increase in importance and stature-

In 1996, President Eyring once asked- why does the Lord have an LDS Business College? This question can be answered many ways, but the more obvious answer is so that this institution can be a light upon a hill. There are many good colleges in the world, but that won’t be the only reason people attend LDSBC. They will come because you combine your study by faith with the excellence you possess and you will be made a light, a beacon. People will come with the desire to have a education, and value that education, because it was taught in the Lord’s way.

  1. Increase of recognition for the College-

At President Richard’s Inauguration, President Eyring gave us the charge to “seek recognition for the College, for the faculty and staff, and for the students, for having risen to the high standards which we set for ourselves.” When we receive recognition for the college and when we receive supporting recognition from each other, we receive validation. Validation helps us to better focus on the positive and realize the good we are doing. Recognition serves as a reminder that helps us realize how far we’ve come on our long road, it helps us to strengthen our commitment. It helps us to endure with joy.

  1. Increase in professional recognition-

Many employers search for workers that are not only professional, but are honest. The College and it’s mission to enlighten minds, elevate hope and ennoble souls, sends a message to audiences all over the world. Not only do we draw people that are interested in living this way, but we find good and smart students that will help the school become better as well.

  1. Increases in missionary experiences-

Lastly, Adrian Juchau,Chief Student Services Officer at LDSBC, shares about the missionary experiences this awards provides. “It is fun to share the message of the gospel which bathes our experience here with those who report on our successes and come to see them firsthand,” he said. “I can tell you stories, but simply put, when we pray for missionary opportunities and when we ‘rise and shine forth and share His light’ people see the light, feel His love and can’t help but come closer to Him” (LDSBC School Anthem).


So what do you do about this award? Everything!

This award has been given because of student participation, because of you and the support that your family and friends give you. The award and this program have been created for students.

When students participate in Mock Interview Week, they not only engage in the school but engage in the learning process to become better. Without students, LDSBC wouldn’t be the same, and it definitely wouldn’t be as amazing and influential.

The students that attends LDSBC are spiritual, strong and unique. Each person is able to bring a wonderful spirit that helps the school spread the love of Christ through learning. Thank you to everyone who has helped with Mock Interview Week and participated making it a “model of excellence.”

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