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Paula Bossa, an entrepreneur in training

She’s thrilled to now be in Salt Lake City, working on an associate degree in entrepreneurship and a certificate in professional sales at LDS Business College. She’s also taking online classes through BYU-Idaho to become a special educator teacher.

Owning her own business has always been Paula's dream. "My family has tried, but failed several times. Colombia doesn't offer as many opportunities as America does, but I know that as I obtain knowledge and the skills I need, I’ll be able to become a businesswoman."

Paula has learned a lot in her classes at LDSBC. Taking entrepreneurship 105 is one of the courses she enjoyed the most. Her favorite project was when the professor assigned each student to visit a store and figure out how much money they make in an hour. Paula decided to go to Chick-fil-A. "I felt like a stalker because I had to see what people were purchasing so I could calculate the profits."

After an hour, with her findings in hand, she couldn’t leave without getting a meal of her own. For the final assignment, students had to present the results to the class. "I learned how a business works, how people don't only go to the stores to buy something, but they also go for the experience," Paula said.

The skills-based education Paula’s receiving is helping her become more professional in everything she does. "It’s amazing how much I’ve learned," Paula said. "I remember my first semester, when I was really shy, didn't enjoy talking publicly and felt uncomfortable. But with time and preparation, I have overcome those challenges."

Another thing Paula appreciates about the College is the opportunity for coaching and mentoring. “Career services has helped me find jobs and network with working professionals,” she said.

Paula’s looking forward to her career. "They’re preparing me to go out into the real world. I’m confident now, when I have a job interview, because I’ve been coached and trained by professionals."

One of her goals is to graduate from school at LDS Business College and return to her hometown of Bogota, Colombia to make changes in education for students with special needs. Whether she works for a school or in a consulting business of her own, she plans to use the entrepreneurial spirit she’s cultivated at LDS Business College.