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Prayer is the pathway to revelation

While at times this may feel overwhelming, Brother David Brown laid out a pattern that, if followed, will enable you to succeed in the things that matter most.

If you want to know what the key to success means, try to involve God more in your daily life and involve him as you recognize and follow the promptings of the Spirit.

In a world full of voices you need to learn to recognize the voice of the Spirit: What does the Holy Ghost feel like to me? What does it sound like? Brother Brown advised asking Heavenly Father these questions in humble prayer, in order to be more aware of the Spirit. The Holy Ghost comprehends everything and knows all things, so you can trust that an answer will come.

Brother Brown asked each one of us to humbly kneel down and ask believing that we will receive an answer to the revelation, with the following tips to improve our prayers:

1.- Ask appropriate questions.

2.- Ask in Faith in the name of Christ. This means asking with real intent to know God's will (Moroni 10:4), rather than just mere curiosity.

3.-Ask with a sincere heart. Examine your heart- are your motives pure? When you ask with real intent, you intend on doing what the Lord tells you to do through his spirit

3.-Proceed to personal study (all kinds). Blessings require effort on our part before we can obtain them. Make sure that you are doing your part to obtain revelation by obeying the commandments.

4.-Acknowledge that God is our all-knowing Father, and you are his child. You need to believe that you are truly His. When you do so, you can trust that He is there for you and wants to help you.

As you move forward and act on this guide, you will see God's involvement in your life. As you do this, remember that A disciple of Christ does not become discouraged.

If you are trying really hard to obtain the revelation or help you are seeking but you can't see any results keep doing your very best effort keep going with faith, the promised blessings will come.

Now that you know that you can ask for revelation, seek it with true intention. Prayer is the pathway to revelation. Brother David Brown said. As you seek to have success in your classes, social life and the things that truly matter most to you make sure to remember that The Holy Ghost speaks to us in our language, on our level, in ways that we can understand.