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President Kusch presents TEDx Talk in Ogden

Following the success of his Idaho Falls TEDx talk earlier this year, Bruce C. Kusch, President of LDS Business College, presented his talk again for viewers and listeners at TEDxOgden on Saturday.

President Kusch was the first speaker of the day. The title of his talk, "Students in Control: Learning for the 'Prove It' Economy," caught the attention of many who came to Peery’s Egyptian Theatre to connect, share ideas and have a conversation. The crowd was large enough that a previously cordoned off section of seating had to be opened minutes into President Kusch’s talk.

During the TEDxOgden event, local speakers from various backgrounds presented their ideas to encourage and inspire the community.

The theme for the talks of the day was “crossroads.” Featured speakers related moments and things that have changed their lives and how they’ve continued to apply those very things throughout their lives and careers.

Although TEDx is affiliated with the non-profit international TED organization, the “x” means the event is independently organized. However, the conference followed the same strict guidelines as TED.

See the entire TEDx Talk here.

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