Full-time employees and available adjunct professors participated in the all-hands meeting where President Bruce C. Kusch announced the new mission statement to support existing core values at the College, as identified by President Henry B. Eyring in 2009 at the inauguration of former President J. Lawrence Richards:
First, a determination to provide the best experience for students and help lead them back to Heavenly Father. Second, a spirit of optimism. And third, to provide an environment with a feeling of unity.
President Kusch started the discussion by reviewing the history of the College and expressing great respect and admiration for those who have gone before us and worked diligently to bring the College to where it is today.
President Kusch said he wanted the revised mission statement to be brief, memorable and to reflect the College’s institutional purpose.
The new mission statement is:
LDS Business College is an institution of higher education founded and sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The school’s mission is to develop capable and trusted disciples of Jesus Christ.
As an institution, we seek and follow the counsel and guidance of inspired leaders in harmony with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its purposes, and in fulfilling our stated mission.
Supporting core themes are:
Strengthening faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel, and following His example, are at the center of all we do.
A unique learning and teaching framework prepares confident and skillful learners with relevant, in-demand, and market-ready skills.
Learning and teaching take place in a spiritually nourishing and uplifting environment.
As each learner discovers their potential, they are enabled with power to act and grow; to become valuable employees, lifelong learners, and leaders in their homes, the Church and in their communities.
President Kusch introduced three keywords that will be used to identify mission statement outcomes: discover, grow and become. He explained that those words describe the process students will follow throughout their experience at the College and the steps we all follow to become “capable and trusted disciples of Jesus Christ.”
Faculty and staff received a mission statement booklet (pictured above) and were invited to apply the mission statement by identifying three ways to implement it in their work during the course of the next month. Everyone was assigned a message advocate team and will report accomplishments, or individual ‘wins,’ as they apply the new mission statement to their work. A follow-up and ‘wins’ celebration will be held in January to see how members of the LDSBC team are implementing the mission in their work.
Additional tools will be made available to help those within the LDSBC community learn and implement the new mission statement.