"The cantata helped those listening further appreciate our heavenly brother and his love and example. It was a powerful reminder of how as we read the scriptures and learn of those who talked and walked with Jesus, we can come to know that Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of the world.
The production included several scenes from the life of Jesus. It showed shepherds gathering in Judea to witness his birth, worshipping the Christ child and rejoicing as they knew the promised Messiah had been born.
Also highlighted were the words of the Savior as he taught those around him to let their light shine. He invited all to become like God by loving our enemies, blessing those that curse us, doing good to those who hate us, and praying for those who use us.
As Jesus ministered, the children wanted to touch him and be with him but were rebuked by the disciples. Mark 10:14 includes his entreaty to “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” He lovingly blessed the children.
During the cantata, more was shared through music and word about how as Christ performed many miracles among men and women, his infinite power healed them—and remains to heal today—all who come unto him.
Highlighted was how when the centurion looked to Christ to heal one of his servants, the Savior noticed his great faith and said, “Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee” (Matthew 8:13). The servant was healed, and as conveyed in “Savior of the World,” Jesus taught pure and sincere love as he served others.
The profound love of the Savior was evident when he offered to be crucified on the cross so all who look to him and live worthily can repent, be cleansed, and receive eternal life. He asks only one thing: to keep his commandments. The cantata served as a powerful tribute and reminder."