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Seeing beauty in trials

“We’re young and we can do hard things,” said Wright as he read a poem about his family and the struggles they’ve endured. Satan has many fiery darts that he aims at us: doubt, fatigue and uncertainty. However, the light of Christ, eternal perspective and peace can assist us in defending ourselves.

Hunsaker, interior design program director, told a story of three vessels he made in his pottery class. When he was moving, one of the vessels broke and was seemed unfixable. Sometimes when we are enduring trials we can get cracks and become broken.

“Heavenly Father is the master potter,” Hunsaker said. “He knows our destiny and our uniqueness.” When our vessels break and crack, they allow the light to shine through.

Hunsaker mentioned the art of fixing these cracks in pottery. A bowl with cracks is fixed by filling it with gold. Then, it becomes more valuable and beautiful. The pot, in relation to us, becomes “A being that is no longer perfect, but imperfectly perfect,” he said.

In the end, “Faith is all you need,” Hunsaker said. Sometimes we will use weapons to fight against the adversary and sometimes faith is all you need to shake off the feeling of being broken and see the beauty in the design.