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Single parent scholarship helps Lavinia go back to school

Lavinia heard about the Business College from friends who are alumni of the school. She wanted to further her education and needed a place that supported the right balance for her family life, work and school.

Because LDS Business College is part of the Church Educational System, it provides her with an intellectual and spiritual environment at an affordable price.

Lavinia is studying social media marketing. She chose the program because it updates her skillset and it’s a good compliment to her bachelor’s degree in sociology from BYU.

Coming to the BC was an adjustment for her and her six children. But, little by little, everyone grew accustomed to the fact that mom had to be in class at certain times, and, like them, had homework to do.


Receiving a single parent scholarship made attending the BC possible for Lavinia and alleviated a lot of stress and anxiety.

In fact, it’s not widely known, but the College has more funds for single parent students than it has applicants for the scholarship.

As a full-time mother and student, Lavinia sometimes feels she can’t keep up. That’s when attending Tuesday devotionals on Temple Square has helped her receive the spiritual rejuvenation she needs to keep going. And during more than one devotional, Lavinia has received the impression that she’s exactly where she needs to be.

“This has been a great experience with amazing teachers, classes, peers and a unique environment,” Lavinia said. “I’ve been forced out of my comfort zone, and that’s a good thing.”

She is confident of her success and appreciates the supportive environment at LDS Business College.

Asked for her advice for other single parents, Lavinia responded: “You can do more than you think you can do, and if you put God first, everything else will fall into place. Also, it’s okay to ask for help.” She suggested to “share what you learn with your kids” and remarked that she even gives her daughter in college a call now and then to ask for her help. “It’s been great for our relationship,” she said.

Lavinia is a great example for her children and those around her. There’s no doubt she’s determined to be a good student while she keeps her family going and continues to serve in the Church.