When I finished my senior year, I was so excited about college ahead! I was still determined to attend BYU, and one day I found myself talking to my mom about college applications and my progress on submitting them. Out of the blue she brought up LDS Business College. I stood there in shock as she said, “Have you considered applying to LDSBC?” I had never even heard of this school, so why on earth would I consider attending it?
My mom shared how she had researched LDSBC and thought it would be a good fit. She brought up the small class sizes, the low tuition, and the fantastic location. I just stood there, wondering why she had even considered bringing this up. Although I had dreamt my entire life of attending BYU, I reluctantly agreed to look into LDSBC.
I sat at the computer the next day and typed in the URL address for LDS Business College. When I hit Enter, a bright green screen with the college logo appeared across the top of the page. I saw a variety of tabs, with information readily available on “Why LDSBC,” “What We Offer,” “What We Cost,” “How to Enroll” and “I Need Direction.”
I went through each tab thoroughly, reading each word on the page. The further I researched, the more I felt this was the path I should pursue. I had this huge pit in my stomach, because I still had a desire to go to Provo in the fall.
The following day I sat down to continue applying to BYU. I kept getting the same pit in my stomach that I had felt the previous day. This time it was because I knew I was applying to the wrong school. I returned to the home page for LDS Business College and had an overwhelming sense of peace come over me. I knew this was where I needed to be. I put the application to BYU aside and made LDSBC my top priority.
I began looking at what the College offered, but I wasn’t sure where I wanted to focus my study. As my cursor moved over each program, I read the description carefully. I stopped instantly when my cursor reached Social Media Marketing. I loved what the program had to offer, and it seemed to be something I might enjoy. I declared my major that day, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision.
As I finished my application, I felt so much peace and accomplishment. I truly did believe that this was the school I needed to attend. I didn’t know why at the time, but I continued forward in faith, knowing that the Lord had his plan for me. This wasn’t the path I had originally chosen, but it was the one that felt so incredibly right.
Once I got my acceptance letter and started school, I quickly figured out why the Lord wanted me at LDSBC. It was the perfect place for me to continue to grow my testimony. While I had a strong testimony when I first started school, the Lord could see further down the path. He knew my testimony would need to be stronger due to what was ahead.
Halfway through the semester, my family went through an experience I never thought would happen to us. It tested my testimony in so many ways. I questioned what I believed every single day until I attended a devotional where everything took a complete turn. President Richards talked about trials and how hard it can be to move forward in positive ways.
During the talk, one line stood out to me more than the rest: “Just hold on.” I immediately started to cry. Those three little words brought so much peace and comfort during my time of need. In that moment I realized why I was at LDSBC. The school has helped me improve my trust in the Lord and strengthen my testimony.
I am so incredibly grateful I listened to the Spirit that day. As I said earlier, I never anticipated that I would attend LDS Business College, but now I couldn’t imagine being at any other school. I have learned so much during my time here, and I have grown even more during the process.
Just as my parents told me when I was young, “You want to get a good education, and you want to continue growing your testimony as you grow.” This school has given me both, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.