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The right fit for Hyunook

Pondering his options, Hyunook went to his LDS district conference and paid careful attention to the promptings of the Spirit. “I was sitting and listening to the choir sing, ‘Come, Come, Ye Saints,’ ” he said. “In that moment I knew I needed to move to America. I also knew I wanted to be faithful to the gospel. I felt the LDSBC college culture would help me keep my covenants.”

It took Hyunook a semester to prepare and improve his English skills so he could apply to LDSBC. Shortly after that, he got accepted.

“I was so happy the first time I walked into the college,” said Hyunook. “The students talked to me, even when I didn’t know them. That would never happen in my country.”

Attending a school that focuses on the restored gospel of Jesus Christ has been one of the best experiences for Hyunook. “I love starting class with a prayer,” he said. “It helps me be more focused in my studies. I appreciate how professors answer my questions here, and how you can approach them and have a one-to-one conversation.” He studies diligently to do his very best in school and applies the same pattern in his life.

Having played the piano since he was very young, Hyunook decided to apply to be the piano accompanist for the BC choir. “I was the last person to audition and I’m so happy I got the job,” he said. “When I first heard Hyunook play, I couldn’t believe how good he was at such a young age,” said choir director Rick Decker.

Hyunook has since played the piano for BC devotionals, performed for Temple Square events at the Assembly Hall, and played for distinguished guests Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and Elder Dallin H. Oaks.

When Hyunook looks back on his time spent practicing piano, he is pleased with his efforts. “I’m glad my mom was really persistent with me taking lessons and practicing for many hours,” he said.

Following his unique experiences at LDS Business College, Hyunook will transfer to Brigham Young University to pursue his education in mechanical engineering. Before he earns his bachelor’s degree, he plans to serve a full-time LDS mission, followed by two years of military service in South Korea.