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There Is No Safety Grazing at the Edge of the Caravan

The events were the 130th anniversary of the College, making it the second oldest educational institution in the Church, and the fact that the campus was moved to the Triad Center west of Temple Square just ten years ago.

President Richards shared photos with the audience, showing students and faculty dressed like pioneers, moving the library books by handcart to the new campus location. The president likened that caravan to the present where both faculty and students come from different backgrounds, cultures, and nationalities to pull the handcarts the best they can.

“If there is something special about this caravan,” said President Richards, “it is the wide variety of wagons and where there are those who know the direction and destination of the journey.” The president told students that each day they make the decision to remain faithful and loyal and for those who do so, the Lord will be on your right because your God will never forsake you.”

The president said that there are those who have concerns and questions about the Church and its teachings. However, for those who have honest questions, President Richards asked them to “Take those questions to the Lord and come back to the center of the company.”

He also had advice for those who feel they don’t belong to the caravan. “Make sure to come closer and look inside the wagons,” he said. “Seek for talents and gifts others have and fill your cart because the strength of the caravan is the diversity of characteristics and talents of those within it.” And for those aligned with the caravan, the president said to ask ourselves how close we are physically and spiritually to the caravan. “We must remember as the journey goes on that there is no safety grazing at the edge of the caravan. As we all pull our handcarts with enthusiasm, trying to do our very best, try not to be men and women of success, but be men and women of value."